I never thought I’d be bored throughout an alien film… But then I saw Cowboys & Aliens.

Cowboys & Aliens Reaction: *yawn*

Ben and I have just finished watching the Blu-ray version of this film. I had to nudge him twice to keep him awake. It’s not like it’s even late at night, it ended at 5:30pm. It’s just that un-entertaining.

At just under 2 hours in length, the film really drags its spurred-heels in some scenes (causing us to have a combined yawn total of exactly 20 yawns: I counted), and confuses us at the fact that the cowboys DON’T freak out during an alien invasion. Aliens destroy half their town, and the answer to whether they are alone in the universe gets answered, and when the next scene comes along the town seem fine! Sad at their loss of some of the town’s people, but not confused at what the fuck just happened?!

I’ve got to admit, the cowboy scenes were amazing. If Jon Favreau (director, also directed Elf, Iron Man and it’s sequel) had kept this film as a western, with no sci-fi spin what-so-ever, it would’ve been an amazing film.

Then again, I’m not saying the aliens were bad, they were great. A brilliant design with an interesting concept behind them: if Favreau had hired the film’s main cast (Daniel Craig, Harrison Ford and Olivia Wilde) to star in a 21st century sci-fi film, with these aliens trying to take over the world as the main plotline, that would be a badass film!

Overall verdict: This film really fails when trying to integrate the 19th century Old West American society, with an advanced alien race as their antagonists. It shouldn’t work and, quite frankly, it doesn’t. Also, Favreau, for future reference, if a girl as hot as Olivia-freaking-Wilde decides to star in your film, make the most of it! We were both waiting for a wild Olivia Wilde sex-scene, and all Favreau gave us is her randomly bursting out of a fire butt-naked (it’s not even that sexy), and her declairing that she’s an alien. Yup, all this time we’d been perving over an alien.

POOR – (Primarily On Occasion it’s Rubbish)

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