I never thought Channing Tatum could be funny… But then I saw 21 Jump Street.

21 Jump Street Reaction: You have the right to remain silent, MOTHER FUCKER!

Two lousy police officers become best friends as they go undercover in a High School to find the source of a new drug. The unlikely friendship between the used-to-be bully Channing Tatum (Step Up) and the used-to-be-bullied Jonah Hill (Superbad) has so much chemistry that I was actually sad I’m not friends with either of them in real life 😥

There are so many lol’s in this film, I literately don’t know where to start. The fact that the film has picked up on the idea that being a geek is now considered cool is hilarious, who’d have thought the fat one from Superbad would reign over the insanely handsome Channing Tatum (I’ll be the first to admit, I have a huge man crush on him. Those eyes…) popularity-wise!

Overall verdict: One thing missing from this film? A hot chick. Hey, don’t look at me like that, I’m not a sexist misogynistic twat. I just feel, on it’s $42 million budget, it could’ve hired some worthy talent in the female department. Maybe it’s just me, but geek girls are not hot. I wanted something to look at other than Tatum’s lovely face. Project X certainly wins in this area (“Wear something tight”), however, for comedic value, Jump Street shits all over Project X’s face.

Aside from the lack-of-sex, this is the best comedy I’ve seen in a very long time.

GREAT – (Generally had a Really Exciting Amazing Time)

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