I never thought I’d see a man’s head get stomped in on… But then I saw Drive.

Drive Reaction: Gosling is a GOD.

Previous to 2011, Ryan Gosling had one of the most boring filmographies I’d seen: he’d done The Notebook, and that’s about it. However, 2011 seemed to be his year. Crazy, Stupid, Love, a comedy featuring the talents of Steve Carell went down a storm at the box office, along with Ocsar and Golden Globe nominated The Ideas of March, in which he starred with George Clooney. The final film in his trio of supernovas he starred in in 2011, is Drive.

Guy no.1 and Guy no. 2 both saw this at the cinema back in October (needless to say, we both loved it, and had instant man-crushes on Gosling from that moment on), however, I decided to re-watch it on Blu-ray when it was released to home media, as it was too good a film to not post on twoguysreviewstuff.

Gosling portrays the definitive badass. I know we’ve used the word a lot in these reviews, well ignore what we’ve used it to describe previously: Gosling is the pinicle of badass-ery. A man whose name is never mentioned, shows few emotions and has a double life. By day he’s a mechanic and part time stunt-man for B movies. By night he’s a getaway driver, who instead of focusing on speed, outsmarts police by using his knowledge of the city and its urban terrain. Everything seems to be going fine for him, until he falls for his neighbour, and a getaway job goes wrong.

Contrasting Gosling’s calm, cool and collected nature, there are other more lively characters (mainly his enemies) who give the film that explosive nature that Gosling doesn’t give off. He’s too cool to get angry.

Overall verdict: Drive is a slick, tension-building film that will make you want to be Gosling’s un-named character. After watching it again, it actually made me sad that I’m not him. This film needs to be bought: if you’re a fan of the Fast and Furious series, there are scenes that will keep you very happy, however, if you rather a slick thriller, this film is also right up you’re alley. Note to all the pussys though: Drive contains a lot of blood. As the title of this review suggests, if you don’t want to see gore, you better not see this film.

GREAT – (Generally had a Really Exciting Amazing Time)

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