I never thought Monkeys would take over the world… But then I saw Rise of the Planet of the Apes.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes Reaction: Go on Caesar my son!

 I know Rise of the Planet of the Apes isn’t exactly a brand new release, but it is definitely not an old release and I regret not seeing it sooner. Featuring Tom Felton (Malfoy from Harry Potter) and James Franco (Spider-man 1, 2 & 3 and 127 Hours) this film isn’t too bad in the cats department.

Testing a medical break-through for Alzheimer’s Disease and various other brain conditions on Apes, seems to have drastic consequences for the human race. The main Chimpanzee ‘Caesar’ is the offspring of a test Chimp killed by mistake. He is taken home and raised by Will Rodman (Franco) and becomes an extremely intelligent chimp. In an unfortunate circumstance where Caesar helps Will’s Dad (who suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease)but goes a little too far, is taken from Will and placed in a special Ape precinct and it is there he organises the uprising.

Caesar is by the most insanely cool Chimp to ever walk the earth (too bad it isn’t a real Chimp). Whilst in captivity Caesar befriends an orangutan (which I have no idea of it’s name) from a circus and this orangutan is awesome. Some scenes are surprisingly emotional, which is all thanks to the great story and screen play. You will also find yourself seriously backing the Apes, even though they are taking over the world…

Overall Verdict: Amazing film, one of my favourites so far this year. A definite must see in my opinion, it is only a 12 rating so no excuse for anyone not to see it. Above all this film could potentially turn out to become a true story… I hope not!

GREAT – (Generally had a Really Exciting Amazing Time)

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