I never thought I’d see a man cut his own arm off… But then I saw 127 Hours.

127 Hours Reaction: Oooo that’s nasty!

When I first heard about 127 Hours I thought, how can they make an hour and a half long film about a bloke stuck in a canyon? Danny Boyle done it, and done it well. Mountain climbing enthusiast Aron Ralston (played by James Franco, Pineapple Express, Rise of the Planet of the Apes and Spiderman I, II and III) takes off on his own, not telling anyone where he is going, to go mountain climbing and canyoneering in Utah. An extremely unfortunate circumstance takes place and Ralston ends up with a boulder falling and getting his arm stuck between the canyon wall and the large boulder. All alone, with no-one having the slightest clue where he is, with only a bottle of water and a few standard bits of climbing equipment, Ralston resorts to extremely desperate measures.

There are some insane scenes where Ralston meets two random girls, who are also exploring the canyons and mountains and he gives them a tour of the area. They climb through a exceptionally tight canyon and then Ralston lets go and falls through a gap into an awesome underground lake… it looks insane. Although, apparently this didn’t actually happen in real life, but the rest of the film is accurate enough to be a documentary.

After departing from the girls, the disaster happens. The majority of the film takes place with Ralston trapped in the canyon with him ‘tripping out’ with flash backs and hallucinations. I got slightly confused with some of the flash backs, whether they actually were memories or just his imagination (see it for yourself, hopefully you’ll understand what I mean). However, at the end it does say Ralston’s premonitions came true. The scene where he finally chops his arm off is mad, especially when you hear him break his arm before hand.

Overall Verdict: Surprisingly good, Franco is frickin’ awesome in this film, such a legend. You pretty much know what’s going to happen before you watch the film, because it is a true story but definitely worth a watch. Tricky to rate because although nothing much happens it does keep your attention 100% of the time. Therefore it’s got to be…

GOOD – (Generally On Occasion it’s Decent)

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