Monthly Archives: May 2013

I never thought I’d want to live in the 1920’s… but then I saw The Great Gatsby.

The Great Gatsby Reaction: Now, THAT'S the sort of party I want to go to!

The Great Gatsby Reaction: Now, THAT’S the sort of party I want to go to!

leonardo%20dicaprio%20the%20great%20gatsbyBoth guys both saw The Great Gatsby on the day it came out last week, in a tiny screen (they were probably using the larger screen for the 3D version). Speaking on behalf of both of us, we are happy to inform you that it exceeded our expectations.

Starring Leonardo DiCaprio (Django Unchained, Titanic), Tobey Maguire (the Spider-man trilogy), Carey Mulligan (Drive, Shame), and Joel Edgerton (Zero Dark Thirty, Warrior), The Great Gatsby follows Maguire as he moves house and acquires a new neighbour: Gatsby.

Directed by Baz Luhrmann (Moulin Rouge, Romeo + Juliet), you can already tell what type of film this is going to be. The stylised nature of Luhrmann’s work is again featured here, to great success, in our opinion. The “party” scenes are truly well done, in spectacular fashion, and mixing music executively produced by Jay-Z to feature in a film set nearly a century ago works beautifully well, in a similar fashion to how Quentin Tarantino used new music for Django Unchained.

Overall verdict: The film rules. Yet another great performance by DiCaprio, he really steals the show here. All eyes are on him. The story is excellent, the visuals are beautiful, and I can’t wait to watch this film again.

GREAT – (Generally had a Really Exciting Amazing Time)

I never thought I’d become a ‘Trekkie’… But then I saw Star Trek Into Darkness.

Star Trek Into Darkness Reaction: Live Long and Prosper!

Star Trek Into Darkness Reaction: Live Long and Prosper!

StarTrekIntoDarkness_FinalUSPosterDirector J.J. Abrams has done it again, with another amazing film under his belt. As you probably know by now, us two guys are suckers for Sci-Fi’s, and you can’t really get much better than a Star Trek film, can you!? Star Trek Into Darkness is the sequel to the first film in 2009 (Star Trek). You don’t necessarily need to see the first film to understand this one, but it just helps with characters and puts them into perspective.

The storyline is quality, very action packed. The crew of the Starship Enterprise find themselves on a manhunt for the universe’s greatest threat, and end up on a forbidden war-zone planet in order to capture a fugitive. This actually leaves an impression that there may be another Star Trek movie to follow in years to come.

The cast are awesome, Chris Pine (Captain Kirk), Zachary Quinto (Spock), Simon Pegg (Scotty), Zoe Saldana (Uhura), Benedict Cumberbatch (Khan), sexy new crew member, Alice Eve (Carol), plus many more great names. Just take one second to have a look at this shocker:


Overall Verdict: This is a truly brilliant film. It is funny, action packed, emotional, has twists and turns in the plot along the way and it looks beautiful. It’s a great movie and I really recommend this to everyone, even if you’re not a fan of Star Trek because, honestly, it is nothing like the T.V. shows.

WOW – (Worthy Of a Wank)

After some consideration and talking with an old man who is a big Star Trek fan, it was agreed that this film had to be rated a WOW because it really was brilliant!

I never thought I’d see more suits in an Iron Man film… but then I saw Iron Man 3.

Iron Man 3 Reaction: Seriously good!

Iron Man 3 Reaction: Seriously good!

Iron-Man-3-Poster-Iron-Legion-Iron-Man-Armors-570x844Being the first time we see Tony Stark after the $1.5 billion smash hit Avengers Assemble (of which we gave a WOW), and kicking off Phase Two of Marvel’s Cinematic Universe collection of films (Phase One was concluded by Avengers Assemble), Iron Man 3 has arrived, and in style.

I’m sure this isn’t spoiling it for you, as you must have seen the trailers by now, but this is the first time in the Iron Man series in which the main bad guy isn’t just another man in a similar Iron Man suit. After two films, metal vs. metal gets a little bit repetitive, don’t you agree? The baddy in this is so cool, and Tony truly has a tough time fighting against him.

I’m not going to list all of the characters in this film as I’m sure you know most of them already, but added to the line-up include The Mandarin (Ben Kingsley – Lucky Number Slevin, Schindler’s List), Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce – Memento, Prometheus) and Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall – The Town, The Prestige).

This is easily the best Iron Man film since the first one in 2008, with some even saying this tops the original. I’m unsure as to whether that’s true, but it certainly smashes no. 2.

Robert Downey Jr. is in his moment when he plays Tony Stark. Stark has grown from a playboy to a committed partner from films 1-3, and Downey Jr. plays each stage of his life so well. We all know it’s not Oscar-worthy, but it’s certainly one of the main reasons as to why the franchise has become so successful. You go to see Iron Man FOR Downey Jr.

Overall verdict: Iron Man 3 lays the groundwork for the rest of Phase 2 perfectly. This is such an exciting, engaging, hilarious superhero film that is almost more of a sequel to Avengers Assemble than Iron Man 2, and for all the right reasons. You know that change that Joss Whedon gave to Marvel with AA? Director Shane Black has kept that same tone, and it continues to work perfectly for Marvel.

WOW – (Worthy Of a Wank)